Pixabay / Patrick Gantz / 20240703

Cmargue Bull Races - Club Taurin L'Abrivado

Traditions and folklore

Watch the Camargue races organised by the Club Taurin L'Abrivado at the Arènes Municipales in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence!

Course camarguaise Saint Rémy de Provence 27.09.2024
Pixabay- Caroline Marcaire-20240814

Organised by Club Taurin L'Abrivado

The dates of the Club Taurin L'Abrivado's Camargue races!

Saturday 30 March at 15:00:
Camargue bull race "Course de ligue"
Manades: Lautier. Caillan. A. Gros. Cavallini
Guest raseteurs: L. Orcel, N. Favier, L. Mateo, J. Diniakos, Denis, N. Marzouga

Saturday 6 July at 6.00pm:
Camargue bull race "Young bulls"
Manades: Caillan, A Gros, Th Chauvet.
Performed by students from the Saint-Rémy-de-Provence raseteurs school

Friday 27 September at 3.30pm:
Camargue bull race "Trophée du Revivre", "Young bulls category"
With the manades: Caillan, Lautier, Cavallini, Navaro

  • French Languages spoken
  • Cash Payment Methods
  • Parking nearby Parking
Indications Prices

Full price: 10 €, Reduced price: 5 € (Children under 12 years old).

Tickets on sale at the Chomel-Coinon Arena.

Indications Openings

Friday 27 September 2024 at 3.30 pm.
Camargue bull race "Trophée du Revivre", "Young bulls category".

Subject to favorable weather.

Localisation & Contacts
Arènes Municipales Chomel - Coinon
Avenue Folco de Baroncelli
13210 Saint-Rémy-de-Provence
00 33 6 13 89 85 08